Telegram php Telegram Channels, Groups (Sample codes and tutorials)

Examples of codes and tutorials related to PHP in Telegram
A collection of php channels and groups in Telegram
10 Telegram channels, groups

Gruppo di supporto allo sviluppo di Bot Telegram in PHP
Programming Books

Programming Books

Free eBooks for programmers and developers Buy ads: Programming Tips, News: @progerhubcom Chat for channel: @programmingbookchat Ads & contact: @crazydev93
Learn Code With Durgesh ✅

Learn Code With Durgesh ✅

This Channel provide you a technical content like Java Programming , Python Programming , C Programming , PHP Programing , Android Development etc. Learn how to make software using java,Python,android and other programming languages.
PHP Developers

PHP Developers

This group is for PHP developers to help each other. Be clear and polite while asking and answering. Only English is allowed. Visit and read the link below.
PHP Reddit

PHP Reddit

Channel to sync with /r/PHP /r/Laravel /r/Symfony. Powered by awesome @r_channels and @reddit2telegram
Job for PHP

Job for PHP

Вакансии для PHP Developers. Собираем для вас вакансии, которых нет на работных сайтах Напишите нам, чтобы разместить свою вакансию в наших каналах и дайджестах: [email protected]
PHP Developers

PHP Developers

sending promotional msg not allowed. Mobile apps developers join @mobileappsdevelopers Job Offers, Php Offtopic Questions Join here @phpofftopic Read Pin message carefully before sending messages in group.
PHP Developers

PHP Developers

An open 🚪 group for PHP Developer's. Feel free to ask. But don't ask to ask! Follow group rules
Pengen tau ada bot apa aja? Cek @botkoleksi Grup diskusi tentang pembuatan bot telegram menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Bahasa Lain, Tetap welcome. Diskusi bot lainnya @botIndonesia Ngobrol bebas di @indonesiabicara
PHP Italia

PHP Italia

Gruppo dedicato al linguaggio PHP Gruppo fullstack: @webdevitalia Appartiene a: @flamesnetwork @groupshelf